Selected Books

The Keyword [ Agriculture,Entomology,Horticulture ] Found 5 titles. Click on ISBN to get Book Detail
ISBNBook Name AuthorPriceYear
9789351247906Indian Tachinid Flies: Bioconrol AgentsHBSathe, T VRs 995.002017
9789389605143Indian Tachinid Flies: Bioconrol AgentsHBSathe, T VRs 0.002017
9789351247463Light Trap: An Eco-Friendly IPM ToolHBVaishampayan, S M & Rs 995.002016
9789390371617Moth Borers of Sugarcane with Colored IIIustrationsHBDuttamajumder, S KRs 0.002020
9789389719444Moth Borers of Sugarcane with Colored IIIustrationsHBDuttamajumder, S KRs 9995.002020