Selected Book Detail

Textbook on Agriportals: A Pathway of Agricultural Development by Sudhakar, B

ISBN: 9789390435951
Binding: Hard Bound
Biblio: xii+154p., tbls., ind., 25 cm
Weight: 400 gms
Pages: 166
Imprint: Daya Publishing House
Year: 2021
Price : Rs 1195.00
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About the Book
This book provides detailed information on Agriportals. It includes definition of portals and agriportals and discussed different types of portals for communicating information to the masses, different between websites and portals, features of portals and agriculture information portals, characteristics of portals, twelfth five year plan initiative on agriportals, steps in developing the portals and cost for development of portals. It also covers the agriportals developed by Central Government for farmers, agricultural research and educational portals, portals of Central Government Schemes related to farmers development, horti-portals developed by Central Government, agriportals from foreign countries and agriportals from NGO's and private companies. It also explains the importance of portals, uses of agriportals, advantages of agriportals, uses of agriportals in farming. Disadvantages of agriportals, problems in effective use of agriportals and challenges in use of agriportls. This book will be useful to the researchers, scientists, policy makers, students, researcher, extension functionaries, both central and state government research stations and research centers of agricultural and allied subjects, universities and colleges, NGO's, private agencies and farmers.