Selected Book Detail

Transformation of Indian Agriculture: Through Innovative Technologies by Ahamad, Shahid and Jag Paul Sharma

ISBN: 9789390384655
Binding: Hard Bound
Biblio: 2019, xvi+479p., figs., color phto., tbls., indx.,
Weight: 956 gms
Pages: 495
Imprint: Daya Publishing House
Year: 2019
Price : Rs 0.00
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About the Book
Advanced agricultural approaches are also required for sustainable solutions to the huge national problem of 'hidden hunger' and it may be achieved by proper crop management practices, value addition and promotion of specialized crops. The book provides wider coverage on innovative social, cultural and technical aspects, such as transformation of rural India through agricultural technologies, modern fruit production technologies, quality maize for augmenting income of the farmers, entrepreneurship development in beekeeping, maize hybrids technology, pulse production technology, impact of climate change on agriculture, indigenous technical knowledge in weather forecasting, direct-seeded rice, diversification of agriculture, nanotechnology in plant disease management, women empowerment and self help groups (SHGs), empowerment of rural youths for rural transformation, integrated pest management in vegetables, saffron diseases and their management, role of markets and market-led extension in doubling the farmers' income etc. have been covered in this book. There has been a long felt need for a book exclusively on the “Transformation of Indian Agriculture through Innovative Technologies”. An effort has been made to collect information on various aspects of Agriculture viz. Plant Pathology, Entomology, Agril. Economics, Agronomy, Agril. Extension, Horticulture, Vegetable Science etc.