Selected Book Detail

Industrial Pollution: Problems and Solutions by Arvind Kumar

ISBN: 9789359196732
Binding: E-Book
Biblio: x+395p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm
Weight: 0 gms
Pages: 405
Imprint: Daya Publishing House
Year: 2025
Price : Rs 14195.00
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About the Book
The storm of modernization and industrialization has not only uprooted man but has also destroyed his habitat and environment too. The increase in discharge of carbon dioxide and other pollutants from various industries is as sharp as decrease in release of oxygen by plants as a result of which the bioequilibrium maintained since time immemorial has been affected. So, industrial pollution has become a great threat for the generations to com. So, it is the prime duty of we scientists to explore the quantum of pollution load as well as to device certain strategies and technologies so that our sustainable development would not be jeopardized otherwise our long cherished dream of establishing eco-socialism on this watery planet could not come true. The present book entitled “Industrial Pollution: Problems and Solutions” is an unique collection of advanced research papers of eminent environmental scientists which will be very helpful for students, research scholars, professors, scientists and policy makers for assessment of industrial pollution load and to devise the know-how by white it can be solved.