Selected Book Detail

Energy Audit for Professionals/NAM S&T Centre by G. Krishnakumar, Suresh Kumar Dhungel

ISBN: 9789359195612
Binding: E-Book
Biblio: xiv+157p., col., figs., tabls., bib., ind., 25 cm
Weight: 0 gms
Pages: 171
Imprint: Daya Publishing House
Year: 2025
Price : Rs 5995.00
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About the Book
Energy efficiency and conservation are important elements of energy planning and policy as these are aimed at the reduction in per capita energy consumption and energy demand and offsetting the increase in energy supply needed to keep up with the population growth. This strategy also reduces the rise in energy costs and the need for energy imports. The reduced energy demand can provide more flexibility in choosing the most preferred methods of energy production. Energy conservation facilitates the replacement of non-renewable resources with renewable energy. It is often the most economical solution to energy shortages and is a more environmentally benign alternative to increasing the energy production. Energy efficiency represents a cost-effective approach to raising profitability, enhancing competitiveness and improving environmental performance. The possibilities range from relatively simple and low-cost process modifications to sophisticated and more costly investments in pollution prevention technologies. Necessary hands-on training will equip the professionals in the developing countries to have an understanding on the methodology of conducting an energy audit, including drawing out recommendations and reporting with special reference to engineering industry, hospital, residential complex and process industry, etc. This publication is a follow up of the International Hands-on Training on Energy Audit for Energy Professionals in Developing Countries organised at Mumbai, India during 04-14 May 2011 by the NAM S&T Centre jointly with the Centre for Energy Studies and Policy Analysis (CESPA), Trivandrum, India. The book includes 14 scientific papers including country status reports from 11 developing countries of African and Asian regions, presenting significant insights on Energy, and would be useful for the energy researchers, experts and practitioners in this fast emerging field of present day relevance.