Selected Book Detail

Fundamentals of Horticulture: Practical Manual by Singh, Ravi Pratap, Arun kumar singh & Anshuman Si

ISBN: 9789352220359
Binding: Paper Back
Weight: 0 gms
Pages: 132
Imprint: Daya Publishing House
Year: 2022
Price : Rs 195.00
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About the Book
Horticulture, covering a gamut of crops ranging from herbaceous annual to woody perennials, constitutes a viable discipline in the area of Horticulture Sciences. A series of practical courses in the subject are highly ramified and need specific literature for a particular matter. The text narrating introductory things are largely scattered. The students have to turn-out the pages of numerous practical manual to cover the matter on diverse practical subject of Horticulture. It has been in this context that work of compiling various facts of Horticulture has been attempted and I feel pleased to present it in the form of the practical manual to the hands of the readers. Encompassing twelve (12) chapters, the Practical Manual is a detailed and comprehensive summary of the facts and figures yet known. There may be the chances of lacks and lacuna. I shall be highly obliged to all such readers who will be extending their fellow-felling in further improvement of the present endeavour.