Selected Book Detail

Chromosomal Diversity in Insect by Sathe T V, SS Patil

ISBN: 9789351307686
Binding: E-Book
Biblio: viii+161.,figs.,tabls.,bib.,ind., 24 cm
Weight: 300 gms
Pages: 169
Imprint: Daya Publishing House
Year: 2021
Price : Rs 5995.00
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About the Book
Chromosomes are hereditary material and have very important role in speciation and identification of closely related species. Chromosomal diversity and their role in speciation and organic evolution has been discussed in different insects including beetles, mosquitoes, aphids, leafhoppers, grasshoppers etc. The chromosomes are basis for the genetic work. Hence, chromosomes have been reported in 8 species of Coccinellids. Simultaneously, morphological diversity have also been reported and correlated from Sangli district of Maharashtra, India. In all 19 species have been reported from Sangli district. Out of which 11 species are found new to the science. Various concepts of chromosomal diversity, genetics, evolution, speciation and insect pest management will be helpful and stimulatory to students, teachers, and scientists.