Selected Book Detail

Photoperiodism & Vernalization in Plants by Mazumdar, Bibhas Chandra

ISBN: 9789351306467
Binding: Hard Bound
Biblio: xiii+178p., figs., bib., ind., 23 cm
Weight: 376 gms
Pages: 191
Imprint: Daya Publishing House
Year: 2005
Price : Rs 0.00
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About the Book
Photoperiodism and vernalization are fascinating areas in plant physiology. The phenomena were conceived as the expedients to switch on flowering in plants but with passage of time, divulged intricacies establishing as exponents to a wider range of functional processes in them. Despite much of the complexities on the living processes in plants have been discovered by delving into these areas, much remains to be unravelled. The present title has brought forward the diverse features of these disciplines to the students and buding scientists of plant physiology in a simplified form to arouse their interest and gain ground for deeper understanding into these spheres.