Selected Book Detail

Introduction to General and Applied Entomology by Shukla, Abhishek & Sushil Kumar Saxena

ISBN: 9788170357728
Binding: Hard Bound
Biblio: viii+457p.,col.,plts.,tabls.,ind., 25 cm
Weight: 906 gms
Pages: 465
Imprint: Daya Publishing House
Year: 2012
Price : Rs 3495.00
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About the Book
This text book aims at to provide an upto date, latest information’s on general and applied aspects of Entomology, which is written in a simple language keeping in mind the syllabi of Entomology in PG and doctoral degree programme of various Indian Universities. This book will also be useful to those who are preparing for competitive examinations conducted by ASRB/ICAR, Central and State Government agencies for recruitment. The book is also useful to those dealing with pests and pest management. It is hoped that the book will useful not only for students, researchers, teachers and extension personels but also to agriculturist, horticulturists, foresters, veterinarians and laymen dealing with insect pests and their management.