Selected Books

The Keyword [ Fisheries,Marine Science ] Found 9 titles. Click on ISBN to get Book Detail
ISBNBook Name AuthorPriceYear
9788170359890Corals of Tropical OceansHBBiswas, K PRs 0.002018
9789351240556Fishes Around Indian OceanHBBiswas, K PRs 0.002018
9788170357605Identification of Marine and Freshwater Molluscs ShellsHBDholakia, A DRs 1495.002025
9789351240716Identification of Marine and Freshwater Molluscs ShellsHBDholakia, A DRs 0.002018
9788170350989Indian Marine BiologyHBSeshappa, GRs 1495.002018
9789389569926Indian Marine BiologyHBSeshappa, GRs 0.002018
9788170353249Introduction to Marine PlanktonHBMitra, Abhijit et alRs 995.002024
9789390371655Marine ChemistryHBSatyanarayana, DRs 0.002020
9788170354581Marine ChemistryHBSatyanarayana, DRs 1395.002020