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The Keyword [ Agriculture ] Found 979 titles. Click on ISBN to get Book Detail
ISBNBook Name AuthorPriceYear
9789354612466Achieving Zero HungerHBPampori, Zahoor ARs 2195.002022
9789354613692Achieving Zero HungerHBPampori, Zahoor A$ 0.002022
9789354618734Achieving Zero HungerEBPampori, Zahoor ARs 9895.002024
9789351308751Adoption of Farm Mechanization in a Developing EconomyHBBhatia, Bhim SenRs 0.002016
9789351248644Adult Continuing and Extension Education at a Glance (PB)PBChandra, N Hema SaraRs 270.002018
9788170353621Advances in Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol 1HBChakraborty, ChiranjRs 1795.002023
9789359191997Advances in Biochemistry and Biotechnology Vol. 1HBChakraborty, ChiranjRs 0.002024
9789386071248Advances in Rice Cultivation: A Complete Guide on RiceHBKarthikeyan, C & K ARs 0.002017
9789386615336Advances in Rice Cultivation: A Complete Guide on RiceEBC Karthikeyan, KA PoRs 9995.002018
9788170350736Agrarian Relations and Peasant in Modern Andhra: A Study of Kalahasti ZamindariHBD. Subramanyam ReddyRs 795.002022
9789359192932Agrarian Relations and Peasant in Modern Andhra: A Study of Kalahasti ZamindariEBD. Subramanyam ReddyRs 3695.002025
9789359192000Agrarian Relations and Peasant in Modern Andhra: A Study of Kalahasti ZamindariHBD. Subramanyam ReddyRs 0.002024
9789389605037Agricultural AcarologyHBChhillar, B S, RachnRs 0.002020
9789383129072Agricultural AcarologyEBB S Chhillar, PradumRs 11995.002021
9788170354772Agricultural AcarologyHBChhillar, B S, RachnRs 2995.002025